Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Seahawks build a bonfire of slights to warm themselves before the Playoffs

I know that technically the NFL and politics aren't related but I've always been of the opinion that politics are one of the roughest sports out there (just ask Dino Rossi), so what the hell? I'm going to write about the Seahawks.

I've been enjoying this week as only a fan thrown an amazingly tasty bone right before imminent starvation can possibly imagine. Listening to sports radio, gleefully googling every local newspapers sports pages (if you haven't read Art Thiel then do so immediately, I'll wait), and scanning the national news for pebbles of information about the surprising Seahawks.

Locally we are a shining example of true blue fans. I have seen very few local sports fans on the air or over the internet that have had the cajones to say they weren't supporting the team because their overall record was so poor. I think you'd probably find a lot more of that from a more cynical fan base like New York (nothing personal) but here in Seattle the hope remains stunningly high. Some might say "borderline insane" high.

But digging around this week on the national level has been an exercise in self-flagellation. I mean it's really bad. We've even had some blowhards call for a change in the playoff system so that teams like the Seahawks could never make it to the dance.

Starting pregame people like Mike Ditka and Chris Berman were insulting us in a way they would never do the cheating, narcissistic Brett Favre. Some teams and or people are easy to kick around. Small market, who cares.

Since then it has bordered on the ridiculous. This is just some of what I've heard so far this week:

a. New Orleans should rest their starters during the game because they won't need them to beat the Seahawks.
b. The Seahawks are like a junior varsity team compared to New Orleans.
c. The Seahawks are just happy to be here.
d. The Seahawks have no defense.
e. The only reason the Seahawks won on Sunday was because the Rams lost.

The list could go on and on. It seems like nationally the bandwagon is "dissing" the Seahawks and everybody is getting on board. Now the only challenge is who can find the "catchiest" insult and how to say the same thing about the Seahawks every day until Saturday without sounding repetitious.

My only hope is that the Seahawks are using each one of those as kindling for the fire. Everyday they can bring another one in, this one labeled "junior varsity" and that one labeled "no defense," and add them to the growing pile. If the Seahawks are well-prepared, determined, and lucky then maybe that fire will burn hot enough to give them a whole other week of the same damned thing. Go Seahawks!

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