Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Bagging is a Joke

The GOP is constantly surpassing even themselves for practicing the fine art of cynical politics. The romantic notion of political ideas gaining acceptance via the actions of normal, everyday Americans who create a grass roots movement has now been kidnapped and mutated by the Republican party. If you've been asking yourself if there is a low where they will not go then you can see it won't be at this level.

I'm talking, of course, about this manufactured Tea Bagging day on April 15th. Fox News needs a reason to be viewed these days by anybody other than the koolaid drinkers. The 'supposed' leaders of the GOP need a reason to even exist. They're desperately searching for a message that Americans can get behind and this is what they've come up with.

The fact that anybody looking at it with any amount of perspective can see that the movement is drummed up by Fox News is of no concern to them. They are just hoping that it catches the eye of the 'normal' media and then somehow given some credibility. So far it isn't happening that way. A true test may be if Jim Lehrer pays any attention to it during the Lehrer hour. Hopefully the GOP influence with PBS has been somewhat negated since the departure of the Bush administration.

The ironic part of the whole thing is the fact that these protesters are protesting Bush's taxes not Obama's. They themselves don't really understand that little factoid judging from the unfortunate remarks some of them have made to reporters. If the man who guarantees that Obama is not an American citizen is an example of the groups overall grasp of reality then clearly none of them are rowing with both oars in the water.

The only thing that gives them any credibility at all is the presence of Fox News and that speaks volumes all by itself.

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