Actually she's not which is why it is clear that she is in a deep state of denial like most of her fellow Repubs. She seems like a caring person and somebody you could have a laugh with until she starts defending somebody like Rush Limbooger. Does she have any idea some of the things that this man has said?
Thirty one days ago when President Obama was sworn in Elizabeth Hasselbeck said on The View that even though she didn't vote for him she would hope for his success. Well, hells bells, that sure as heck didn't last too long. She now hopes, along with Rush and almost every other Repub, that the President fails. Quite a turn around wouldn't you say?
And, of course, what does that say about her morality that she would actually wish for her President to fail when her country is in the worst peril it may have ever experienced? I believe it says a lot which brings us back to the denial thing. Elizabeth is terribly concerned, along with Rush, that Obama is spending too much money in his attempt to bring this country back from the brink of the cliff - a cliff that he inherited. Where was her deep concern when GWB was bringing us to this point by borrowing billions from the Chinese to finance his war of choice against Iraq? In Elizabeth's moral world it is okay to spend money on killing innocent Iraqis but immoral to spend it on rescuing the country. Interesting.
Her failure to articulate her opinions in any manner that makes sense is brought home everyday by witnessing her method. If you cannot win an argument based on the facts at hand then you better be prepared to a. talk loudly, b. talk non-stop, and c. don't let any of your more intellectually capable co-hosts get a word in edge wise. I think that Repubs actually take classes in this method since the facts are never on their side.
If Rush Limbooger and Elizabeth the Hypocrite are what the Repubs have to offer these days then their party is hurting.
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