Was there anybody besides myself last night who was thinking how refreshing it was to be talking about the United States of America again? I mean really, for the last eight interminable years it’s been all about evil doers, weapons of mass destruction, rebuilding places like Iraq and Afghanistan now that we’ve wrecked them, and almost no discussion of our own country. Finally Obama spells it out loud and clear – It’s time to rebuild the United States of America.
Can you even begin to imagine what New Orleans would look like today if GWB had spent even a 1/10th of the money and time spent in Iraq on our own devastated city? It would be a completely re-born city, perhaps even better than it was before. It would be one thing if Iraq had attacked us like Japan did but they didn’t. This was a war of choice made for reasons that have nothing to do with “removing an evil dictator.”
Why would we even question the motives of an oil man, whose sidekick VP is also an oil man, and whose powerful friends (more oil men) made him President despite the voters wishes? It’s not rocket science people. Over the last eight years I’ve listened to all kinds of rubbish about him going into Iraq because of his daddy or because he wanted to be a war President. Nonsense! This was about securing oil for the oil men. It was about a last big hurrah where you put Trillions of tax payer dollars into the hands of oil men and their cronies so they can retire with our money to a foreign country. That way they get to keep it all with no chance of prosecution. This was a transfer of American wealth into just a very few hands.
Unfortunately for us even though we already gave all of our money to Haliburton we still owe the money that George borrowed from China. We get screwed twice! Obama told the American people in clear terms last night that the amount of deficit that GWB created hasn’t even yet been fully defined. Since he never included the cost of the war in his budget it has also not been included in the deficit numbers. This is going to hurt people.
So basically when a Republican these days says whoa we can’t afford this stimulus package because I’m a fiscally responsible conservative and you’re just a tax and spend liberal, I want to rear back and slap them in the face. Where do they get off? What did they think they were doing the last eight years if not driving the car that has now gone over the cliff?
I feel you have to ask yourself whether the Republicans are against spending money or just against spending money on Americans in America? They didn’t scream or cry about fiscal responsibility when we were spending money on Iraq or Afghanistan. They didn’t seem remotely disturbed that they were waging a war while cutting taxes for the rich (apparently some Americans are more deserving than others are). But now, suddenly, they are horribly affronted by the amount of money that Obama wants to spend on us.
The Republican party has shown us who they are over the last eight years and when people show you who they are then you need to believe them.
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